$50 Food and Drink Credit
Amidst seasonal togetherness, recharge in a room of your own. A room with a big, comfy bed, freshly laundered robe and bottomless hot showers. Plus a $50 food and drink credit to help protect your slice of peace and quiet.
Ace Member Rate
Introducing the Ace Hotel Fan Club. It’s for people who go places. Members are entitled to the Ace Member Rate, which means up to 10% off our Classic Rate, and 15% off the Ace Shop forever. Anyone can be a fan — click SIGN UP below — all it takes is an email, phone number and address.
Pay Now and Save
事后诸葛亮没用,有先见之明才最重要。至少提前 14 天预订预付费住宿,我们将提供高达 20% 的折扣。这就像为未来预付费,但最终您将会感谢自己。此房费为预付价格,不可退款。
早餐 @ Koloman
在我们这里睡觉,到 Koloman 吃早餐。在隔壁的米其林指南特色餐厅,主厨 Markus Glocker 将为您奉上每日奢华早餐。您可以选择 Pain perdu 奶油蛋卷法式吐司、黑森林火腿和土豆、哈特菲尔德培根和鸡蛋。
这正是我们选择将“行星地球” (Planet Earth) 作为 365 计划的原因,当您使用 SURF 码进行预订时,每花费 1 美元,我们都会抽出 10% 直接捐赠给欧洲冲浪基金会 (Surfrider Foundation)。如需了解更多信息,请访问 acehotel.com/planet-earth。