- 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm | Tuesday January 21, 2025
- PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
- 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku
19時からDJ E.P. Daisukeが流すラテン音楽を聴きながら、¥600の5種類のタコスをお楽しみください。Indulge in five different tacos for just ¥600 all while listening to the Latin music played by DJ E.P. Daisuke from 7 pm.
E.P Daisuke
1989年、テクノDJ田中フミヤ氏と共に大阪にてDJキャリアスタート。田中フミヤはテクノミュージックに傾倒していくがEP Daisukeはルーツミュージックに傾倒。「BLUES NIGHT」を主催していたDJ KAYANO氏の下でBlues DJとしてキャリアを積む。DJ JUNIA氏と共にclub noon にてイベント「KILLING FLOOR」を主催。DJ James氏とイベント「JUNKERS」を立ち上げる等、大阪を拠点にBluesを中心とする数々のルーツミュージックイベントでプレイ。2015年より活動拠点を京都に移し、ソウルバーの店主を集い、ソウルパーティー「京都黒汁会議」を主催。現在、DJ Baby China をパートナーとしてオールジャンルをプレイするスタイルで活躍中。 In 1989, EP Daisuke began his DJ career in Osaka alongside techno DJ Fumiya Tanaka. While Tanaka delved into techno music, EP Daisuke leaned towards roots music. Under the mentorship of DJ Kayano, who organized “BLUES NIGHT,” EP Daisuke honed his skills as a blues DJ. Alongside DJ Junia, he co-hosted the event “KILLING FLOOR” at club noon. He also co-founded the event “JUNKERS” with DJ James, among many other roots music events centered around blues, based in Osaka. Since 2015, he has shifted his base to Kyoto, gathering soul bar proprietors to organize the soul party “Kyoto Black Juice Conference.” Currently, he collaborates with DJ Baby China, playing across all genres, and continues to thrive in his career.
Other events happening on Jan 21, 2025

A!R: HOLY WATER by Erika Weitz at Ace Hotel Palm Springs
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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

RECORD SHOP rare groove Special DJ Showcase : Norio | Frank Jez at PIOPIKO
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